Why I Decided to Learn Digital Marketing During the 2020 Pandemic

Michelle A. Vanzie
2 min readMay 1, 2020


It’s been a recurrent dream to do my own thing. To start my own business and make it work. I mean, if in my 17-year career in the government service I created national projects and programs, designing my own business should be a breeze right? Now fast forward one year later and I’ve quit my job and still hold that dream like a tiny little flag in my hand. Somehow I haven’t quite been able to take off. Fast forward at triple speed now, and the COVID-19 pandemic strikes. All of a sudden the very real situation of no job, no money got…real. So of course, I decided to finally get that business coaching service started. Started now as in, during the pandemic.

Yes, during the pandemic when the world has practically shut down. Borders are closed, people have been laid off, companies are crashing and disposable income… is a thing of the past. But boy oh boy do I have an uncanny ability to go full — speed ahead in the most seemingly brick-walled circumstances. The thing is not only are people more reserved with their pocket money, but there are tons of coaches online. How do I compete? How do I stand out? How do I tell the world that I am here?

Business Strategy 101 says analyze your business environment. What’s the current environment? Everyone seems to be online. I have a small window of time to put myself in front of these on-liners and once they see me, of course they’ll want to work with me! But does playing around with the business backends of Facebook and Instagram count as a marketing skill? Nope, didn’t think so. So I decided to take on digital marketing and of course once Facebook knew I was looking, Udacity’s Nanodegree in Digital Marketing Ad popped up. I decided to take on their 1 free month offer and haven’t looked back since. I’ve created a step by step marketing strategy for an online business coaching service and have had 200 sign-ups for the first month of the launch. Could I have done it without Udacity? Maybe. But would I have grown this quickly? No way! Udacity’s Digital Marketing Degree gave me the skills to not only create the right content but taught me how to optimize my offer by continuously measuring and analyzing the performance of marketing campaigns. I was finally able to shout loud and clear: I’m here, let’s work together so I can also make your business dreams come true!



Michelle A. Vanzie

Michelle is a Business & Life Strategist. She has a background in Entrepreneurship & Consulting, Planning and Diplomacy.